In software, we need strong guarantees that our systems behave exactly as we intend them to. As a company selling life insurance, our customers need to know we are serious about their safety and privacy. At Ladder, we designed an internal testing framework that spans our whole stack, a lightweight method that flows through our entire application and provides the assurances we require. We couldn’t have done it without Om Next and Datomic: relying on reified, immutable and idiomatic state transitions, we have been able to take our testing to the next level. Among other things, our framework forks the entire state of the system – including Datomic databases – at every point in the application flow to guarantee that we never run any given unique step more than once. This talk covers the principles and optimizations we use to test every corner of our application flow, including how our test cases learned to teleport through state transitions and how we now add new test cases fearlessly.
António Monteiro
António is a functional programmer and a regular contributor to ClojureScript and Om. He works as a Software Engineer at Ladder, a company that is reshaping the life insurance industry in California.
Mike Kaplinskiy
Mike is a full-stack engineer working at Ladder Life. He previously led the backend team at Vine and worked at Google Finance in a past life.